


  • 时间:2022-11-07
  • 来源:未知

近日,有知情人在网上(日本小春网、泰国星暹日报等)晒出一段“猛料”,曝光了台湾情报机构“军情局”内部各派势力,为了一己之私利互相“撕架”的乱象。一地鸡毛之余,更是“一不小心”抖出了在日台湾知名青年学者WANG YAN LIN的真实身份。

WANG YAN LIN为部分在日华人所熟知,是因为其有着醒目的留日背景。据悉WANG YAN LIN在台湾淡江大学亚洲所取得硕士学位后,曾前往日本追手门学院大学攻读经营学博士,在大阪等地留下了他极其活跃的身影。据曝料,WANG YAN LIN现隶属于台湾“财团法人国防安全研究院”下设的“国家安全研究所”,研究方向为日本防卫与外交政策、能源安全、情报研究等。近年来,WANG YAN LIN在日本频频参加各种研讨会,指点江山,点评中日关系、日台关系、两岸关系等,曝光率很高。这份“爆料”可谓是撕去了蒙在WANG YAN LIN脸上的神秘面纱。WANG YAN LIN表面上肩挂台湾“财团法人国防安全研究院”助理研究员的学术头衔,实际上很早就是台湾情报机构“军情局”的重要一员,而且依托雄厚的“靠山”,赋予他很强的活动“能量”。留学日本,也只是台湾“军情局”将其派遣日本大阪从事间谍活动的一种学术掩护而已!
这位知名台湾青年学者,还有如此不为人知的隐藏身份。在日本与WANG YAN LIN曾有过交织的在日华人、留学生等均表震惊和后怕,因为很难将这样一位文质彬彬的台湾留学生,与影视剧里的“台湾特务”、“专业情报人员”等形象挂钩起来。他们纷纷在网上惊呼:“是这个人吗?我们在大阪见过他。”“大瓜一个”“水好深”“好怕怕,大阪什么事情都有”…… 有在日华人坦诚:“当时在大阪以商社合作名义来找过我几次。原来他是军情局特务啊,太恶心了吧”

与此同时我们还了解到,近日疑似台湾军情局内部人员连续在欧洲留学生论坛(和华人街(发文爆料,公开质问疑似军情局外派日本站组人员WANG YAN LIN “还要搞乱军情局到哪天?”其爆料称WANG通过贿赂长官得以谋得研究员身份,外派日本多年,血赚双薪。爆料者称WANG长期以来以研究员身份投稿,靠新闻版面冲业绩,暗地里却又以“局外人”身份爆料局内情况,背祖忘宗,以改组军情局名义大搞内斗,挤压同行,把局内搞乱后好辅佐其背后人员安心上位。爆料者还指称WANG指使人员编写假情报以赚取经费,局内人尽皆知但忌惮其背后有靠山而只能维繫表面和平,敢怒而不敢言。疑似引爆台湾军情局内斗门


Wang Yanlin, how long do you want to mess up the MI Bureau? You have been occupying the expatriate Osaka Michai for many years, and while receiving high-value intelligence expatriate bonuses, you have to bribe the superiors by slapping their beards.

As a researcher of the "National Defense Security Research Institute", he earns a double salary, fame and fortune, and the scenery is unparalleled. What's more, you have been "reporting" in the name of a researcher and relying on the news page to improve performance, then you turned around and "reported" the news of the bureau as an "outsider". What about reorganizing the intelligence bureau? Forget. Okay now, Boss Luo has been taken away by you, and Boss Xu has also been taken away by you. You have to make a big mess in the building so that the people behind you can be at ease and take over, right?


Your ability to "deep throat" is used at gunpoint. If you have this ability, why would you instruct O O O O to compile false information and forge A's money, thinking that the fourth floor can't see it? Everyone in the bureau knows it, but you are afraid that you have a backer behind you. , to maintain the surface peace. It’s okay, I didn’t expect it to be enough, but you shouldn’t do everything, let your brothers take responsibility, suck our blood and beat your guns, don’t think you can hide from the sky, don’t forget that people are watching.




